You may feel like you have an enormous balloon in your stomach after having a big meal. Bloating is caused by the accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and can have a significant impact on your quality of life. To prevent it from recurring, it is important to identify its cause and take the necessary steps.
10 Potential Reasons Behind Your Bloating
1. Eating too fast
Eating quickly causes more air to enter the digestive tract. Science has found that it takes 20 minutes for the brain to register when your stomach is full, making it a healthier option to eat slowly in order to prevent bloating.
2. Overeating
After indulging in salty and high-sodium foods, bloating may occur. In fact, overindulgence can cause gas to become trapped in the digestive system. Hence, it does not matter if it is due to binging, a festive occasion, or a special event – overeating can lead to unpleasant bloating symptoms.
3 Drinking carbonated beverages
Do you experience bloating after consuming diet soda? Artificial sweeteners, like fructose corn syrup, can be the culprit. Carbonation from the gas blended with water may cause the stomach to become distended. Furthermore, bubbles in items such as champagne and beer can result in a bloated feeling.
Do you love fizzy drinks? If so, it may be best to abstain. These carbonated beverages can cause bloating and an uncomfortable bloated stomach.
4. Dairy products

People with lactose intolerance may experience bloating after consuming dairy products such as milk and ice cream as the body is unable to fully digest the lactose. To reduce the likelihood of bloating, individuals should avoid dairy for a period of one or two weeks. Upon alleviation of the symptoms, dairy can be re-introduced into the diet in small amounts.
5. Weight gain
It's possible that increased weight and bloating are related. Suppose you've gained a few pounds in the past 12 months. You likely feel that your stomach is more full, and this may be noticeable around your waistline. Consult your healthcare provider for advice on how to lose the extra weight.
6. PMS
PMS is often associated with bloating, which is caused by hormone fluctuations. When estrogen and progesterone levels rise, the body tends to store more salt and water, resulting in a bloated feeling.
If you have PMS, don't think of yourself as a prisoner for days. Consume a low salt diet to prevent abdominal swelling. Furthermore, keep away from processed snacks that usually contain high levels of sodium.
7. Celiac disease
Weight loss, diarrhea, gas, and abdominal pain are all symptoms of celiac disease. Bloating is a frequent sign of the disorder, which is caused by the inability to digest gluten. To prevent these issues, those affected should avoid rye, barley, wheat, and some processed food items.
8. Food sensitivities – FODMAPS
No two people's digestive systems are alike. A slice of bread may be easy for one to digest, yet cause digestive problems for someone else. Food items like fructose, honey and more may contain FODMAPS.
Folks with fructose intolerance should cut down on their fructose consumption to relieve any symptoms. However, it is important to consult a professional to identify the source of the issue first. The small intestine absorbs fructose quickly, but some can migrate to the colon, leading to the emission of methane and hydrogen gases.
9. Stress
It's likely you've heard of stress-related stomach issues. Those gut-aching feelings can interfere with digestion and cause a flight response, disrupting the healthy microbiome. If you're experiencing bloating, consulting your doctor is wise to ensure no underlying conditions exist.
10. Constipation
Consumption of a wide variety of foods can cause constipation. Having trouble evacuating or a lower frequency of bowel movements may occur. The longer the stool stays in the digestive system, the more distension is likely.
Say Goodbye to Bloating: Strategies That Work

Cut back on gassy foods
Eating broccoli, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, onions, and Brussels sprouts can lead to a lot of gas after digestion. This is because these foods have sugars and starches that can cause bloating.
Avoid fatty foods
You can prevent bloating by eating low-fat foods such as poultry, fish, and lean meats. Additionally, you can lessen digestion issues by consuming fewer fatty foods and cooking your own meals.
Eat slowly
As stated earlier, it can take up to 20 minutes for satiety signals to reach the brain. Therefore, eating slowly is often recommended by weight loss experts in order to avoid overeating, which can make one feel bloated.
Watch your portions
Consuming lesser amounts can reduce abdominal puffiness. Eating too much can result in excessive carbohydrates, sodium, and fats, which can all contribute to bloating.
Drink plenty of water
No single amount of water is applicable to everyone, yet experts commonly urge up to 8 ounces daily. This is just an approximation. Your needs may be higher if you are in the open air for prolonged periods.
Put boundaries on fizzy drinks
When consuming a carbonated beverage, you expel some of the air through burping. The remaining air, however, travels through the digestive tract until it is released from the other end, otherwise known as passing gas.
Get more Magnesium and Potassium
Magnesium acts as a regulator of bodily fluids. Good sources of it are black beans, spinach, peanut butter, brown rice, and potatoes. Additionally, one's doctor may suggest taking a supplement.
Conversely, potassium helps to preserve sodium levels, leading to the body's expulsion of any superfluous fluid.
Get moving
Engaging in 30 minutes of moderate exercise is an excellent way to combat bloating. Although it won't provide a cure, it is worth the effort to focus on activities that target the core.
You can do some stretches to promote relaxation and release tightness. Lie down on a mat, then bring your knees up to your chest and give your sides a gentle twist. Take some time to let the tension go.
Pilates is a widely practiced exercise which focuses on breathing and encourages the body to relax.
Substitute ‘simple' carbs in favor of ‘complex' carbs
Your body accesses carbs quicker than protein and fat. To avoid puffiness, replace pastries with vegetables that digest more slowly.
Eat foods high in fiber
Bloating is directly linked to constipation; when stool stays in the colon, bacteria fermentation increases, usually due to lack of water and fiber. Fortunately, water and OTC meds can help. Should the issue persist for over two weeks, it is serious.
Avoid fatty foods

If bloating is a frequent problem for you, identify which foods are likely the cause. As fat digestion is a slower process, it can be the source of your discomfort. Consequently, you may wish to avoid eating items such as beef, pork, or fried foods.
Recently, there has been much talk about bloatedness and the use of probiotics. It's obvious that medical professionals are prescribing probiotics to decrease gas accumulation in the digestive system. What is the science behind it? The digestive system is home to numerous bacterial types to assist with digestion. If the equilibrium is disturbed, the stomach may become bloated. Probiotics support a balanced microbiome and aid in diminishing bloating. Effects may be seen in a few days or weeks.
Herbal teas
Though teas are not a speedy cure for bloating, they can help reduce the symptoms. Herbal teas come in a variety of types – from green to black. Packed with nutrients, they can treat a number of gastrointestinal disorders. Chamomile is one of the most common herbal teas, containing flavonoids that help reduce bloating. Dandelion, with its toasted flavor, is another beneficial remedy for digestive issues. Other teas to consider include ginger, turmeric, peppermint, and fennel.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil is an effective natural antispasmodic. It assists the digestive system to relax, enabling the passing of stool. Peppermint contains monoterpene, which blocks the absorption of calcium. When calcium is taken in, the muscles in the body start to contract. When the calcium is released, the muscles relax. If you utilize peppermint to reduce bloating, regard it as a short-term natural remedy.
Eat carom or ajwain seeds
Though an old-fashioned solution, it can be of use when you're bloated. Take a glass of water, put in some ajwain and a dash of lime, and drink it. The antacid qualities of carom seeds can help reduce acidity and its effects.
Calcium carbonate, one of the active ingredients of antacids, works by neutralizing stomach acid and bursting gas bubbles before they exit the body.
How Long Can You Expect Bloating to Last?
Often, bloating resolves itself. This is something that can be addressed if related to an unhealthy diet or hormonal changes. However, if it persists for days or weeks, it could be a severe medical issue.
Wrap Up
Bloating can be very uncomfortable – making the abdomen swell and clothes tight. To get rid of this irritating issue, try some life-style changes and at-home solutions. Dietary alterations can often provide great relief.